Join the HBA of Fort Wayne, Inc. and lend your expertise to one of our many committees helping promote standards of excellence throughout our membership.

Membership Committee
Responsible for recruiting new members, membership retention and determining recruiting program. Meets the first Monday of each month, 7:45am, at the HBA office.
Program Committee
Responsibilities include assisting with date and location selection for all social events (Golf Outings, General Membership Meetings, Inaugural, Chili Cook-Off, Meet Me @ 5, etc.), as well as acquisition of door prizes. Meets the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00pm, locations TBA monthly.
Workforce Development Committee
Focuses on creating opportunities for Builder members and area construction trades students to interact and foster productive professional relationships, ensuring the local home-building industry’s future stability and strength. Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 8:00am, at the HBA office.
Marketing Committee
Responsible for developing marketing strategies, as well as approving concepts and budgets for Town & Country and Builders’ Showcase annual events. Meets as needed.
Codes Committee
The Codes Committee acts as liaison with code officials at the city, county and state government levels. Their charge is to stay current of all code changes affecting the building industry, as well as furthering the interests of the HBA through their many industry contacts. Meets as needed.
PAC Committee
Responsible for legislative involvement assuring the best interest of the Association is served in pending actions in the state, county and city governing bodies. Determines disbursement of funds to candidates. Meets as needed.
Policies & Procedures
Reviews all HBA policies and procedures related to home shows, agreements, membership standards, staff, etc. Meets as needed.